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Creating an SQLite DB in R from an CSV file: why is the DB file 0KB and contains no tables?

I have a 9GB .csv file and would like to convert it to an sqlite data base.

I have followed and it works on my local machine but on a server it says the disk/database is full. In any case, on the local machine, the DB file appears to be 0KB and contains no tables. Any thoughts why?

This is what I do:


#Test data


#Make DB
PassengerData <- src_sqlite("FINAL_data.sqlite", create = TRUE)

#Copy dataframe to DB

# add my data.frame as a table

Then I close R and open a new session:

To Look at the DB I do:

df<-DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "FINAL_data.sqlite")

src:  sqlite 3.34.1 [Data/FINAL_data.sqlite]

There are no tables in it. Why?


  • I suggest that the prospect of loading an entire (9GB) file into R for the sole purpose of ingesting into a SQLite3 database is a little flawed (you may not have sufficient memory to load into R). Instead, use sqlite3 by itself.

    I have pre-made a file mt.csv from mtcars.

    $ sqlite3 -csv mt.sqlite3 '.import mt.csv mtcars'
    $ ls -l mt.sqlite3
    -rw-r--r-- 1 r2 r2 8192 Feb  4 12:19 mt.sqlite3
    $ sqlite3 -column -header mt.sqlite3 'select * from mtcars limit 3'
    mpg         cyl         disp        hp          drat        wt          qsec        vs          am          gear        carb
    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
    21          6           160         110         3.9         2.62        16.46       0           1           4           4
    21          6           160         110         3.9         2.875       17.02       0           1           4           4
    22.8        4           108         93          3.85        2.32        18.61       1           1           4           1

    The sqlite3 binary is not installed by default on many (any?) systems, but it is an easy and free download/installation (see