This is my .bb file, I already git clone the repo at /home/chtan/rcu-service
SUMMARY = "RCU Service"
DESCRIPTION = "Recipe to install RCU Service into RCU image"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
inherit systemd
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "rcu-service.service"
inherit externalsrc
EXTERNALSRC = "/home/chtan/rcu-service"
FILES_${PN} += "${systemd_unitdir}/system/rcu-service.service"
S = "${WORKDIR}"
do_compile() {
${CXX} rcu-service.cpp -o rcu-service
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 rcu-service ${D}${bindir}
install -d ${D}/${systemd_unitdir}/system
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/git/rcu-service.service ${D}/${systemd_unitdir}/system
enter code here
However, it fail during bitbake, please refer to syntax at below
2021-02-04T16:26:47.6181432Z aarch64-tdx-linux-g++: error: rcu-service.cpp: No such file or directory
2021-02-04T16:26:55.9000799Z Summary: 1 task failed:
2021-02-04T16:26:55.9001769Z /__w/1137/s/build/../layers/meta-smartracks/recipes-core/rcu-service/
My files(rcu-service.cpp , rcu-service.service) are located at /home/chtan/rcu-service What Syntax should I add in my .bb file in order to let compiler reaches my file ?
You must change your do_compile build step as this for this to work.
do_compile() {
${CXX} ${S}/rcu-service.cpp -o rcu-service
In do_install you should change ${WORKDIR}/git/rcu-service.service to ${S}/git/rcu-service.service
Extract from the yocto project manual
By default, the OpenEmbedded build system uses the S and B variables to locate unpacked recipe source code and to build it, respectively. When your recipe inherits the externalsrc class, you use the EXTERNALSRC and EXTERNALSRC_BUILD variables to ultimately define S and B.
So in your case S and B will have the following values
Note you dont need to set ${WORKDIR}/rcu-service since the command dir is already ${WORKDIR} you could check this by adding the following line
bbwarn $(pwd)
in your do_compile task.
You should also remove the following line since it gets overwriten by the externalsrc.bbclass
S = "${WORKDIR}"