I am implementing a Docker Compose health check for Prysm Docker container. Prysm is Ethereum 2 node.
My goal is to ensure that RPC APIs (gRPC, JSON-RPC) of Prysm are up before starting other services in the same Docker Compose file, as those services depend on Prysm. I can use depends_on
of Docker Compose file for this, but I need to figure out how to construct a check that checks if Prysm HTTP ports are ready to accept traffic.
The equivalent Kubernetes health check is:
initialDelaySeconds: 180
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 60
failureThreshold: 3
successThreshold: 1
path: /healthz
port: 9090
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 60
failureThreshold: 60
successThreshold: 1
path: /healthz
port: 9090
scheme: HTTP
The problem with Prysm image is that it lacks normal UNIX tools within the image (curl, netcat, /bin/sh) one usually uses to create such checks.
Is there a way to implement an HTTP health check with Docker Compose that would use built-in features in compose (are there any) or commands from the host system instead of ones within the container?
I managed to accomplish this by creating another service using Dockerize image.
version: '3'
# Oracle connects to ETH1 and ETH2 nodes
# oracle:
container_name: stakewise-oracle
image: stakewiselabs/oracle:v1.0.1
# Do not start oracle service until beacon health check succeeds
condition: service_healthy
# ETH2 Prysm node
container_name: eth2-beacon
image: gcr.io/prysmaticlabs/prysm/beacon-chain:latest
restart: always
hostname: beacon-chain
# An external startup check tool for Prysm
# Using https://github.com/jwilder/dockerize
# Simply wait that TCP port of RPC becomes available before
# starting the Oracle to avoid errors on the startup.
image: jwilder/dockerize
container_name: eth2-beacon-ready
command: "/bin/sh -c 'while true ; do dockerize -wait tcp://beacon-chain:3500 -timeout 300s ; sleep 99 ; done'"
- beacon
test: ["CMD", "dockerize", "-wait", "tcp://beacon-chain:3500"]
interval: 1s
retries: 999