I'm evaluating if PlantUML can be a good alternative to GraphViz.
It's promoted as "intuitive" but honestly the very first example from the homepage is already confusing.
Why does the following create "Bob" and "Alice" twice? I'm seeing 2 nodes in the text, and 4 in the output. Also, the arrow doesn't go between the nodes, but between relations between duplications of the nodes.
Bob->Alice : hello
It makes zero sense to me. What is the meaning of this example, and what would be a more trivial example with just 2 nodes and an arrow between them?
I see you have fallen for the classical trap of "The first page of the manual is not representative of the tool".(1)
Besides various UML diagrams (like the sequence diagram you encounered), PlantUML has support for various other Software development related formats (such as archimate, Block diagram, bpmn, c4, Computer network diagrams, erd, gantt chart, Mind maps, and wbd), as well as visualization of json and yaml files.
In fact, it even understands Graphviz syntax!(2)
Because of all of this, "intuitive" doesn't happen until you have some basic knowledge of PlantUML.
So back to your issue... What you are seeing isn't what you think it is.
Relating things to Graphviz, instead of this:
digraph d {
Bob -> Alice : hello
You are actually seeing this:(3)
digraph sequenceDiagramExample {
bobHead [ label="Bob" pos="0,1.5!" shape="record" ];
bobPoint0 [ pos="0,0.75!" shape="point" width="0" ]
bobFoot [ label="Bob" pos="0,0!" shape="record" ];
aliceHead [ label="Alice" pos="1,1.5!" shape="record" ];
alicePoint0 [ pos="1,0.75!" shape="point" width="0" ]
aliceFoot [ label="Alice" pos="1,0!" shape="record" ];
bobHead -> bobPoint0 -> bobFoot [ dir="none" style="dashed" ]
aliceHead -> alicePoint0 -> aliceFoot [ dir="none" style="dashed" ]
bobPoint0 -> alicePoint0 [ label="hello" labelloc="c" style="solid" ]
What an example with just two nodes and an arrow between them looks like depends on the kind of graph chosen...
What you have to remember is that, with Graphviz, you have to apply all meaning to a diagram yourself. With PlantUML, the meaning is provided by PlantUML for you. All you need to do is tell PlantUML what you mean.
With a few basic pointers, this becomes intuitive quite quickly. You just need to know what kind of diagram you want to draw before starting...
As you can see from the examples below, PlantUML is a very powerful tool to add to your software developer toolbelt.
I hope the examples will help to make things more intuitive, and that your first misstep won't keep you from exploring PlantUML further!
archimate #Application Alice
archimate #Business Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice -|> Bob: Hello
[Alice] -> [Bob]: Hello
folder Alice
file Bob
Alice -> Bob: Hello
+-------+ +-----+
| | hello | |
| Alice +------>| Bob |
| | | |
+-------+ +-----+
"Alice": ["Bob"]
+ Alice
++ Bob
nwdiag {
network hello {
object Alice
object Bob
Alice -> Bob
Bob -> Alice : hello
[*] -> Alice
Alice -> Bob: hello
Bob -> [*]
concise Hello
0 is Alice
+100 is Bob
:Alice: -> :Bob: : Hello
+ Alice
++ Bob
not dot
, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/53470455/153049