I'm using ASP.NET Core 5 Razor Pages. The common templates go in Pages/Shared
, but I need to rename it to Pages/Foo
How do I instruct the runtime to look for files in Pages/Foo
I think it's possible in Startup.ConfigureServices()
services.AddRazorPages(options => {
options.Conventions.??? // what goes here?
The paths used to locate Razor Pages views are defined in PageViewLocationFormats
, which is a property of RazorViewEngineOptions
. You can manipulate this collection to customise these paths.
Here's an example:
.AddRazorOptions(o =>
var indexOfPagesShared = o.PageViewLocationFormats.IndexOf("/Pages/Shared/{0}.cshtml");
o.PageViewLocationFormats.Insert(indexOfPagesShared, "/Pages/Foo/{0}.cshtml");
There's a tonne of different approaches to modifying the list, but this example shows how to replace the existing /Pages/Shared
path with /Pages/Foo
. It makes assumptions about the root (/Pages
) and the file-extension, but these are typical.
Note that if you're using areas, there's also an AreaPageViewLocationFormats