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Not able to save a mailItem with protected attachment in outlook using c#

I'm trying to create a copy of a mailItem in my sent folder. Once I create it, I save the msg in the folder. It works for all mailItems , except when I try to save a mailItem with an attachment where I disallow the save attachment permission in outlook. Why does the mailItem.Save() not saving the mailItem only for this scenario? In the code below, I'm using redemptions to create a copy in sent folder. saves all mails but the one I mentioned above. Also I tried saving the mailItem before the creation, but it does not generate entryId.

static void CreateSentFolderMail(Redemption.SafeMailItem newSentMail, string nvdID, Outlook.MailItem mailItem, Redemption.SafeMailItem safeMailItem)
    RDOFolder folder = Globals.ThisAddIn.session.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail);
    RDOMail msg = (RDOMail)folder.Items.Add(newSentMail);
    RDOMail originalmsg = Globals.ThisAddIn.session.GetMessageFromID(mailItem.EntryID);
    msg.Sent = true;
    msg.SentOn = DateTime.Now;
    msg.ReceivedTime =msg.CreationTime;
    msg.Subject = safeMailItem.Item.Subject;
    msg.To = safeMailItem.Item.To;
    msg.BCC = safeMailItem.Item.BCC;
    msg.Body = safeMailItem.Item.Body;
    msg.Recipients = originalmsg.Recipients;
    msg.Sender = Globals.ThisAddIn.session.CurrentUser;
    msg.SentOnBehalfOf = Globals.ThisAddIn.session.CurrentUser;
    msg.SetProps(NVDMailHeaderUtils.PS_INTERNET_HEADERS + NVDMailHeaderUtils.NVD_HEADER_ID, nvdID);


  • I had used session.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject before calling this method to get a RDOAttachment object. But after using this: session.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject I was not able to the save the mailitem. Save was not getting executed and hence the EntryId was not getting generated. Due to this issue I was getting an error here : RDOMail originalmsg = Globals.ThisAddIn.session.GetMessageFromID(mailItem.EntryID); saying "invalid entry Id". I installed the new version of redemptions that solved this problem.