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Is it possible to see the contents of the tables, used by appBuilder?

I'm working with appBuilder/procedure editor, release 11.6.

Recently, I had this question about a file, which could not be opened by the appBuilder. The answer as:

Debug the appBuilder and check the contents of the _TRG table tupple the appBuilder is working with.

And indeed the content of that particular _TRG tupple solved my answer.

My reaction now is:

If the content of a _TRG can explain why a particular problem arises, I would like to see the content of all _TRG tupples in order to avoid that problem happening in future.

In order to do this, I tried the "Data Administration" tool, "Dump data and definitions" (obviously after having chosen every possible database and after having checked the "Hidden tables" checkbox).
I also tried following piece of code in the procedure editor, but that didn't work too as the _TRG table seems nowhere to be known:

OUTPUT TO C:\Temp_Folder\_Trg.log.
    PUT UNFORMATTED _tEvent "|" _tCode.

However, the _TRG tables seems not to be known.
Does anybody know what I can do in order to access this table and how to obtain all its contents?
By the way, the _TRG table contains a _tEvent column, mentioning the name of the erroneous procedure and it contains a _tCode column, containing the erroneous (too large) code, but there seems not to be a column, containing the *.w file, containing that procedure. In which table will I find this information and what's the link with the _TRG table?


  • What led you to believe that _trg is a database table? When you open a source file do you select something from a database or are you using a file explorer?

    If you look at what you are viewing in the debugger:

    enter image description here

    You can see that this is a temp-table, which is one of a whole set of temp-tables which is populated upon opening a file.