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KeyedAppStates aren't reported to the AMAPI

I have implemented the feedback channel with the KeyedAppStates in my application. I'm calling KeyedAppStatesReporter.setStatesImmediate(hashSetOf(state)) where state is a keyedAppState created with the builder, but nothing is reported on the AMAPI side.

The profile/policy is set correctly, the ApplicationReports are activated, the application can receive managed configurations correctly when send from the EMM and apply them.

I tried with the Test DPC following the tutorial "Test app feedback". And the Test DPC received the feedbacks send by my application. Screenshot of the Test DPC notifications

What could be blocking the reporting of the keyedAppStates to the AMAPI with the real DPC ?


  • It was an issue on the DPC/AMAPI side.

    The issue was resolved with a DPC update not long after, and now it works with the example from the documentation.