Objective: Traverse a directory containing sub-dirs with log files, using Powershell to list hostnames in a column in the logfiles in Syslog RFC 5424 IETF formatting. Output: List of hosts, their IP and timestamps of log lines
Format in the logfiles is: col1 TAB col2 TAB col3 TAB col4 TAB col5 TAB col6
contains various items, separated by a single SPACE and I'm after the hostname (in the example: MyHost01
So far below example gives me a lot of lines like this:
2020-12-14 16:16:13 User.Notice 1 2020-12-14T16:17:44.755522+00:00 MyHost01 - - - [NXLOG@14506 EventReceivedTime="2020-12-14 16:17:43" SourceModuleName="auditlog" SourceModule...
# Example - yields timestamp, info, IP address and raw message
$filelist = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path D:\Logs -Include *.txt
foreach ($textfile in $filelist) {
$filepath = $textfile.fullname
Import-Csv $filepath -Delimiter "`t" -Header col1,col3,col4,col6 | Format-Table col1,col3,col4,col6
To achieve my objective, I need to split col6
by SPACE. How can this be done within my script?
I cannot see the TABs in your sample data. Assuming the host name is the first sub string of column 6:
Import-Csv $filepath -Delimiter "`t" -Header col1,col3,col4,col6 |
Select-Object col1, col3, col4, @{ n = 'col6'; e = { ( $_.col6 -split ' ' )[0] } } |
is used to to pass through columns 1, 3 and 4. Column 6 is defined as a calculated property by using a hashtable, which is short form of:
name = 'col6' # Name of the output column
expression = { ( $_.col6 -split ' ' )[0] } # Calculated value
In the expression the -split
operator is used to split the original value of column 6 by space, which returns an array of sub strings. The first element of this array will be the value to use for column 6. Change the index [0]
to something else if you need to extract another sub string.