I want to drop almost all the tables in my database (9000 in total). Don't ask me why they are so many, too long to explain.
So I have 3 tables that I don't want to drop.
What SQL statement can I use to do this? I have been google-ing for a while but nothing came up!
So I have something like this in mind (in PHP):
foreach($tab as $tableList){
mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$tab);
Any ideas? even better if all could be a mysql statement!
SELECT table_name
WHERE table_schema = 'db_name'
will give you all tables in database 'db_name'.
Don't forget to backup your tables beforing running the DROP
You could use PHP to execute the DROP statements or dynamic SQL with something like this:
(copied from this question: Deleting-dynamically-managed-tables-in-mysql )
SET @v = ( SELECT CONCAT( 'DROP TABLE ', GROUP_CONCAT(it.table_name) )
FROM information_schema.tables it
WHERE it.table_name NOT IN ('TableToKeep_1', 'Keep_2', 'Keep_3')
AND it.table_schema = 'db_name' ;
) ;
PREPARE stDropTables FROM @v;
EXECUTE stDropTables ;