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Is it possible to do multi-line commits with GitAhead

I currently used GitAhead as my primary GUI for interfacing git source control. My question is if it is possible to support multi-line commits messages with GitAhead?

My first thought is there might be a way to amend the default config file to change the commit button's git command or add a sequence of commands, such as git commit -f [file] or git commit -m "Short Message" and then after that run git commit --amend.

If this isn't possible, then is the only option to modify source code since it is open source? I believe the most likely case is I am just missing a configuration setting that is possible.


  • It is possible to write multi-line commit messages with GitAhead.

    You have to let a blank line between the short summary and the long description.

    Here is a screenshot of GitAhead 2.6.3 ready to commit a multi-line message:

    enter image description here