I have a script at local machine and want to run it at remote gcp server via gcloud's ssh.
I know how to do that using regular ssh command:
ssh user@remotehost "bash -s" < local_script.sh
which has been explained at https://askubuntu.com/questions/204065/how-to-run-local-shell-script-on-remote-server-via-ssh
what is I want is to use gcloud computer ssh:
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone MYZONE MYINSTANCE --project MYPROJECT ...
so far I have tried:
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone MYZONE MYINSTANCE --project MYPROJECT -- 'local_script.sh'
of course it failed, with error:
bash: local_script.sh: command not found
How can I do the similar as ssh user@remotehost "bash -s" < local_script.sh
using gcloud cmd? in the worst case I will copy the file to remote machines and run there but I am not allowed to write anything at the remote machines.
it can be invoked in the same way as standalone ssh, you need only include --
to separate gcloud
options from arguments given to ssh
gcloud compute ssh user@host -- bash -s < local_script.sh