I need to be able to parse deeply nested string value to be able to find an amount greater than in my request query. I fount that $expr operator is supposed to help in that, but when i try to implement it it gives me
"message" : "unknown operator: $expr",
here is my code:
InfluencedAttributes: {$elemMatch: {
LexisAttributes:{$elemMatch: {
$expr: { $gt: [ {$toDouble: "$MyAttributes.MyField"}, 500]}
the value I'm trying to compare is here
InfluencedAttributes.0.LexisAttributes.0.MyAttributes.MyField = "20000"
trimmed version of the lookup document:
"InfluencedAttributes" : [
"LexisAttributes" : [
"MyAttributes" : {
"MyValue" : "20000"
The problem is that $expr
is not a valid query for $elemMatch
, but you still have two way to achive the desire result:
First option:
db.OrderAttributes.find({"$expr": { "$gt": [ { "$toDouble": "$InfluencedAttributes.0.LexisAttributes.0.MyAttributes.MyField"}, 500 ] } } );
Performance: COLLSCAN for a collection scan.
Second option:
db.OrderAttributes.find({ "InfluencedAttributes.0.LexisAttributes.0.MyAttributes.MyField": {$regex: /^([5-9]\d{2,}|\d{4,})/ } } );
Performance: IXSCAN for scanning index keys.