static MediaType f865a = MediaType.parse("application/json");
private static String f866b = "IV_VALUE_16_BYTE";
private static String c = "Egov";
private static String d = "SALT_VALUE";
private static String e = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1";
private static String f = "eMethod219";
private static String g = "AES";
private static String m = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
private static String h = "eMethod486";
private static String i = "eMethod269";
private static String j = "eMethod580";
private String a(byte[] bArr) {
return new String(bArr, "UTF-8");
private Key a() {
return new SecretKeySpec(SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(e).generateSecret(new PBEKeySpec(c.toCharArray(), c(d), 65536, 128)).getEncoded(), g);
private Cipher a(int i2) {
Cipher instance = Cipher.getInstance(m);
instance.init(i2, a(), new IvParameterSpec(c(f866b)));
return instance;
private byte[] c(String str) {
return str.getBytes("UTF-8");
public String a(String str) {
Log.d("decode", str);
return new String(a(2).doFinal(a.b(c(str))));
public String a(String str, String str2, String str3) {
String str4;
IOException e2;
OkHttpClient build = new OkHttpClient.Builder().connectTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).writeTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).readTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build();
String str5 = k + "/" + h;
String str6 = "{\"EPara1\":\"" + b(str) + "\", \"EPara2\" :\"" + b(str2) + "\",\"EPara3\" :\"" + b(str3) + "\"}";
String str7 = "test";
try {
str4 = build.newCall(new Request.Builder().url(str5).post(RequestBody.create(f865a, "\"" + b(str6) + "\"")).build()).execute().body().string();
try {
Log.d("Encrypt", str4);
} catch (IOException e3) {
str7 = str4;
e2 = e3;
} catch (IOException e4) {
e2 = e4;
str4 = str7;
str4 = a(str4);
Log.d("Decrypt", str4);
return str4;
try {
str4 = a(str4);
} catch (Exception e5) {
Log.d("Decrypt", str4);
return str4;
So i got this interesting code snippet by decompiling the apk . Now i used frida to monitor and trace ciphers . i tried many times to decrypt the strings that the app uses to make requests to the API.I intercepted the request using Burp suite but the request body was encrypted. Any ideas on how to decrypt the encryption also the response i get from the request is encrypted and decrypted using same Algo
Also after Deobfuscating the apk i found similar code :
private byte[] decode(String str) {
return str.getBytes("UTF-8");
private String get(byte[] bArr) {
return new String(bArr, "UTF-8");
private Key get() {
return new SecretKeySpec(SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(value).generateSecret(new PBEKeySpec(key.toCharArray(), decode(t), 65536, 128)).getEncoded(), k);
private Cipher init(int i2) {
Cipher $r3 = Cipher.getInstance(H);
$r3.init(i2, get(), new IvParameterSpec(decode(n)));
return $r3;
/* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public String getString(String str, String str2, String str3) {
IOException $r17;
OkHttpClient $r6 = new OkHttpClient.Builder().connectTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).writeTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).readTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build();
String $r1 = get(str);
String $r2 = get(str2);
String $r7 = get(str3);
String $r3 = this$0 + "/" + e;
String $r12 = "{\"EPara1\":\"" + $r1 + "\", \"EPara2\" :\"" + $r2 + "\",\"EPara3\":\"" + $r7 + "\"}";
String $r13 = "\"" + get($r12) + "\"";
Log.d("teeeee", $r13);
String $r22 = "test";
try {
String $r14 = $r6.newCall(new Request.Builder().url($r3).post(RequestBody.create(c, $r13)).build()).execute().body().string();
$r22 = $r14;
try {
Log.d("Encrypt", $r14);
} catch (IOException $r16) {
$r22 = $r14;
$r17 = $r16;
} catch (IOException e2) {
$r17 = e2;
$r22 = read($r22);
Log.d("Decrypt", $r22);
return $r22;
try {
$r22 = read($r22);
} catch (Exception $r18) {
Log.d("Decrypt", $r22);
return $r22;
public String get(String str) {
try {
return get(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(init(1).doFinal(decode(str))));
} catch (Throwable $r4) {
throw new RuntimeException($r4);
At some point you'll see the data going into the encryption function so why not just nab it there?
Anyway, here is a snippet from my script. I use frida.send() instead of console.log, might need to modify and add where needed.
var secretKeySpecDef = Java.use('javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec');
var ivParameterSpecDef = Java.use('javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec');
var ivParameterSpecDef_init_1 = ivParameterSpecDef.$init.overload('[B');
var cipherDoFinal_1 = cipherDef.doFinal.overload();
var cipherUpdate_1 = cipherDef.update.overload('[B');
var secretKeySpecDef_init_1 = secretKeySpecDef.$init.overload('[B', 'java.lang.String');
secretKeySpecDef_init_1.implementation = function (arr, alg) {
send("Creating " + alg + " key plaintext: " + toHexString(arr));
return, arr, alg);
cipherDoFinal_1.implementation = function () {
var ret =;
send(this.getIV(), this.getAlgorithm(), complete_bytes, ret);
// complete_bytes = array used for ciperUpdate. Add your own message
return ret;
cipherUpdate_1.implementation = function (arr) {
// Adds to an array object to be used in cipherDoFinal
// Add your own code here
return, arr);