I am implementing file upload. I want to display the upload progress using CircularProgressIndicator.
The uploadFile() function of the FileUploadController class uploads a file to the server and tells the percentage of the upload progress. and ‘NotifyListeners()’ is called every frame to notify the upload progress.
I tried to draw a CircularProgressIndicator with this information, but I got an error. "setstate() or markneedsbuild() called during build."
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var uploadController = Provider.of<FileUploadController>(context);
uploadController.uploadFile(userFiles, context);//upload files and update uploadPercentage
return ListTile(
leading: Stack(
children: [
value: userFiles.uploadPercentage,
strokeWidth: userFiles.uploadPercentage == 1 ? 0 : 1,
right: 3,
left: 3,
top: 3,
bottom: 3,
child: CircleAvatar(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
title: Text(widget.fileName),
trailing: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.close),
onPressed: () => widget.removeWhenCloseButtonTap(widget.fileName),
I think the problem is calling notifyListeners() inside build() (the uploadFile function calls it).How can I fix it?
Yes, that's the probably the issue. You might want to make that call to uploadFile()
inside the initState()
FileUploadController uploadController(BuildContext context) => Provider.of<FileUploadController>(context);
void initState() {
uploadController(context).uploadFile(userFiles, context);
If you're in a stateless widget, convert it to a stateful one.