I am running a cloud function which is triggered everytime a specific document on my firestore is created. This document has a public uri as field which refers to an image that has previosly been stored in my GCStorage bucket.
Looking at the Node.js example here, I can see that we have to provide the GCVision client the file's name to work with the API:
// Performs safe search detection on the local file
const [result] = await GCV.safeSearchDetection(fileName);
const detections = result.safeSearchAnnotation;
console.log("Safe search:");
console.log(`Adult: ${detections.adult}`);
console.log(`Medical: ${detections.medical}`);
console.log(`Spoof: ${detections.spoof}`);
console.log(`Violence: ${detections.violence}`);
console.log(`Racy: ${detections.racy}`);
But, what about if I only have a signed url?
const fileUrl = "https://storage.googleapis.com/my-project-191sa.appspot.com/images/imageName.jpg?GoogleAccessId=firebase-adminsdk-as2af%my-project-191sa.iam.gserviceaccount.com&Expires=4202444800&Signature=AXh..."
Do I have to parse the url and get imageName to work with the API? Or is there any other method to provide the signed url directly?
Okey, dumb question. If you pass the uri directly, it works.
const [result] = await GCV.safeSearchDetection(imageUri);