I've done tons of searches on this. But, my flutter app is working nice on the active network. I've enabled persistence for cloud_firestore, but it's showing this error:
[cloud_firestore/unavailable] The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.
My sample code:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
db.settings = Settings(persistenceEnabled: true, cacheSizeBytes: 10000000);
final ref = db.doc("some_collection/some_doc");
ref.update({"key": value});
} catch(error) {
My pubspec.yaml
firebase_messaging: ^8.0.0-dev.14
firebase_core: ^0.7.0
firebase_auth: ^0.20.0+1
flutter_local_notifications: ^3.0.3
cloud_firestore: ^0.16.0
So, my scenario was, I had to upload some data to firestore whenever my application receives an incoming message from my client. That's why I needed two services, one is background message receiver and firestore persistence.
Trying to read some data from the firestore first and based on that I need to put the incoming message data to the firestore again. Something like this:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
db.settings = Settings(persistenceEnabled: true, cacheSizeBytes: 10000000);
// payments ref
final paymentRefs = db
.where("trxID", isEqualTo: "123456")
.where("amount", isEqualTo: 50)
try {
final paymentGet = await paymentRefs.get();
if (paymentGet.size > 0) {
final paymentData = paymentGet.docs[0];
// check for payment existence with the trxID
// if exists, then validate and update
if (paymentData.exists) {
final paymentAmount = paymentData.data()['amount'];
final exactPaymentRef = db.collection("payments").doc(paymentData.id);
// for individual and if amount matches
if (amount == paymentAmount) {
"paid": true
} else {
// payment ref not found with trxID
// so upload the trxID to reqTrxID collection
"createdAt": new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
"phoneNumber": phoneNumber,
"amount": amount
} catch (error) {
print("error triggering to firestore: ${error.toString()}");
My mistake was, I was doing some extra fetchings from the firestore. And as firebase documentation firestore persistence won't work on any asynchronous (try/catch, promise, async/await) way (that I was doing so happily :) ).
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
"createdAt": new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
"phoneNumber": phoneNumber,
"amount": amount
I simply just upload the value I had to, and my all necessary checking I send them to cloud function on document create trigger. That's solved my problem.