I have a project whose schema is like this :
When blazor webassembly published output, which exists in client_container(nginx alpine image), calls api, which is up in api_container, nothing happens.
And it couldn't receive any data.
The worse thing is that, blazor client_container doesn't provide me with any error.
Opening the page on my PC : http://localhost:8081/
The working result should be like this :
BUT it works like this :
The API call in razor component is this :
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
// in Debugging
//people = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Person>>("http://localhost:8080/api/people");
// in Publish in Docker
people = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Person>>("http://api_container/api/people");
These are docker run commands :
docker run -p 8080:80 --rm --name api_container --network store_network parsalotfy/store_api
docker run -p 8081:80 --rm --name client_container --network store_network parsalotfy/store_client
To test if the api is accessible in client_container, I did such a test :
docker exec -it client_container sh
then in nginx client_countainer :
/usr/share/nginx/html # curl http://api_container/api/people
this is the result :
It is odd that api is accessible in client_container but the api call in razor component fails.
and this is client_container log :
You can take a look at all the code here in github in case you are interested
Sorry if it was too boring :)
Thank you.
With this in mind that you're using Blazor WASM which runs on client side just like JavaScript, I should note that all the requests including api calls (/api/people
) are executed in the client browser & machine and they're browser can't resolve a host named api_container
so unsurprisingly any request to your api and api_container
will fail.