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How to secure cookies in php?

How does session_set_cookie_params work? I want to ensure all cookies are set with httponly=true, and secure=true. But instead of adding these arguments to every call to setcookie(), I can just - before session_start() - set them in session_set_cookie_params()? And henceforth, every call to setcookie sets those params i each and every cookie? That would save a lot of tedious work (and surely error-prone). I would imagine something like this

$cookieParams = session_get_cookie_params();
$cookieParams['httponly'] = true;
$cookieParams['secure'] = true;

So now, if I do:

 setcookie("ABC_user", "", time()+3600);

That cookie has those params in argument 6 and 7 set? Is there a way to check that it works? Or is there an even better way to accomplish this?


  • This simple code will give you what you want.

    function set_cookie($name,$content,$time){
    $http_only = true;
    $secure = true;
    $path = "/";
    $domain = ""; // Include All Subdomains
    set_cookie("ABC_user", "", time() + 3600);