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How do I use GraphQL to query the options for a KeystoneJS select field

I have set up a select field in KeystoneJS as per the docs:

const { Select } = require('@keystonejs/fields');

keystone.createList('Order', {
  fields: {
    status: { type: Select, options: 'pending, processed' },

How can I use introspection to get a list of valid options for this field?


  • Types in KeystoneJS seem to be named with the following format:

    <list name><field name>Type

    Additionally, if the first letter of <list name> or <field name> are lowercase, these are changed to uppercase. So for the example given in the question, the type name for the field status would be:


    The available options can then be queried with the following:

    query {
      __type (name: "OrderStatusType") {
        enumValues {

    Tested on a standard KeystoneJS install with a Postgres database.