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How do I make a Ruby method that makes a diamond of asterisks with 'n' width?

I'm trying to make a method that returns a string that looks like a diamond shape when printed on the screen, using asterisk (*) characters. I want to remove any trailing characters and each line to be terminated with a (\n). I also want it to return nil if the input is an even number or negative, as it is not possible to print a diamond of even or negative size. For example

n=3   ***

n=5   *****

or in other words

"  *\n ***\n*****\n ***\n  *\n"

Method looking something like this:

def diamond(n)

Can anyone help? Thanks!


  • Another solution:

    def diamond(n)
      return nil if n.even? || n.negative?
      diamond_string = ""
      n.times do |i|
        space_count = (i - n / 2).abs
        asterisk_count = n - space_count * 2
        diamond_string << [' ' * space_count, '*' * asterisk_count].join + "\n"
      return diamond_string