I am currently trying to connect my ESP32 to AWS IoT. Therefore, I have to use certificates to encrypt the connection. In theory I know how this will work, but I´m not a C++ pro and I get an error. Of course I tried to google, but I always find the same solution which does not work for me. To be concrete, I try ti declare a cacert in a header file like so:
const char AWS_CERT_CA[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \
"MIIDQTChkiG9w0CAimfz5m/jAo5gAwIBBgkqBAkPmljZbyjQsAgITBmy4vB4iANF\n" \
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
In the main file I try to use it like so:
WiFiClientSecure net = WiFiClientSecure();
void connectToAWS()
// Configure WiFiClientSecure to use the AWS certificates we generated
When I try to compile, it gives me the following error:
Obviously, the parameter types are not correct, but why does it work for others (e.g. here and here)? An int as a parameter for the function does not make sense to me. Hope you can help me.
So it took me quite w while to figure out how I can solve this. The main problem was that I am using an old version of BearSSL, but I was not able to update it. To circumvent this problem, I create files out of my cryptographic information and use these files for creating the secured connection to AWS iot. Furthermore, I do not use MQTT to transfer my metrics, but the REST endpoint. I am sure this is not an optimal solution, but it works so far. Here´s how I´ve done it. Things to understand first:
My cryptographic information (key, CACert, cert) looks like this:
const char AWS_CA_CERT[]="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \
"rqXRfboQnoZsG4q5WTP468SQvvG5\n" \
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
After establishing the Wifi connection, I do the following to establish the secure connection:
bool establishSecureConnection()
if (!SPIFFS.begin())
Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
return false;
File tempCA = SPIFFS.open("/ca.crt", "w");
File tempCert = SPIFFS.open("/cert.crt", "w");
File tempKey = SPIFFS.open("/cert.priv", "w");
if (!tempCA || !tempCert || !tempKey)
Serial.println("There was an error opening the file for writing");
return false;
if (tempCA.print(AWS_CA_CERT))
Serial.println("Ca File was written");
Serial.println("Ca File write failed");
if (tempCert.print(AWS_CERT))
Serial.println("cert File was written");
Serial.println("cert File write failed");
if (tempKey.print(AWS_PRIVATE_KEY))
Serial.println("key File was written");
Serial.println("key File write failed");
File ca = SPIFFS.open("/ca.crt", "r");
if (!ca)
Serial.println("Failed to open ca file for reading");
return false;
File cert = SPIFFS.open("/cert.crt", "r");
if (!cert)
Serial.println("Failed to open cert file for reading");
return false;
File pk = SPIFFS.open("/cert.priv", "r");
if (!pk)
Serial.println("Failed to open pk file for reading");
return false;
if (net.loadCACert(ca))
Serial.println("Successfully loaded ca");
Serial.println("Could not load ca");
return false;
if (net.loadCertificate(cert))
Serial.println("Successfully loaded cert");
Serial.println("Could not load cert");
return false;
if (net.loadPrivateKey(pk))
Serial.println("Successfully loaded pk");
Serial.println("Could not load pk");
return false;
if (!net.connect(AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT, 8443))
Serial.println("connection failed");
char err_buf[1024];
Serial.println(net.getLastSSLError(err_buf, 1024));
Serial.printf("ssl_error: %s\n", err_buf);
return false;
Serial.println("Connected to AWS!");
return true;