I Have a table booking which has two columns job_time_beg and job_time_end and jobs starts from 8:00 and goes till 16:00 Now I need to if the available time overlap with the given time so that I know I dont want to book within this given time.
I am using
select count(*)as cnt from orders
where job_date = '2021-02-04'
and job_truck = '24'
and ((job_time_beg >= '10:00' and job_time_beg < '12:00')
or (job_time_end > '(11):00' and job_time_end <= '12:00'))
AND order_status_id in (1,5)
this works fine for most cases but if there is a booking between 8:00 and 11:00 this query does not work and shows that the time 10:00 to 12:00 is available which overlap between 8:00 and 11:00 I also tried
SELECT count(*) as cnt
FROM orders
job_date = '$data'
and job_truck = '$truck' and
'$start' BETWEEN job_time_beg and job_time_end
'$end' BETWEEN job_time_beg and job_time_end
AND order_status_id in (1,5)
which works for the 8:00 and 11:00 overlap but does not work when the booking is available for ex start time can be equal to end time in the next booking if we have booking 8:00 to 10:00 and we get time 10:00 to 12:00 this does not overlap because we can assign next booking from 10:00.
Please have a look at sql fiddle sqlfiddle
The logic for overlap for two time periods is:
In your query, the logic would be:
SELECT count(*) as cnt
FROM orders
WHERE job_date = @job_date AND
job_truck = @truck AND
@start < job_time_end AND
@end > job_time_begin AND
order_status_id IN (1, 5);
Note the use of named parameters. Don't munge query strings with parameter values!. Parameters prevent unexpected and hard-to-debug syntax errors. They also protect the code from SQL injection attacks.