Search code examples

How to set limit value dynamic?

I'm using BI Tool which has an option to write SQL Queries. I have a tables like

Table Name - Analysis

Module Value
Lead 5
Deal 3

Table Name - Leads

module_name Name created_date
Lead AAA 03-02-2021
Lead BBB 03-02-2021
Lead CCC 03-02-2021
Lead FFF 03-02-2021
Lead MMM 03-02-2021
Lead ooo 02-02-2021
Lead ppp 02-02-2021

Table Name - Deals

module_name Name created_date
Deal DDD 03-02-2021
Deal GGG 03-02-2021
Deal EEE 03-02-2021
Deal QQQ 03-02-2021
Deal SSS 02-02-2021
Deal TTT 02-02-2021

The above values are not static values, they will get updated on an hourly basis.

I have to use those values and set the limit for no of rows to display based on the latest created date

I have to get output as

Module lead_name
Lead AAA
Lead BBB
Lead CCC
Lead FFF
Lead MMM
Deal DDD
Deal GGG
Deal EEE

I tried the following

SELECT module_name as module,
    lead_name as name
    from Leads 
    left join Analysis on Leads.module_name=Analysis.Module
    Order by Leads.Created_Date DESC
    LIMIT to_integer(Analysis.Value)
 SELECT Deals.module_name as module,
    Deals.deal_name as name
    from Deals
    left join Analysis on Deals.module_name=Analysis.Module
    Order by Deals.Created_Date DESC
    LIMIT to_integer(Analysis.Value)

Is it possible to set the limit dynamically?



  • I would suggest using row_number():

    select l.module_name, l.Name, l.created_date
    from (select l.*,
                 row_number() over (order by created_date desc) as seqnum
          from leads l
         ) l
    where seqnum < (select a.value from analysis a where a.module = 'Lead')
    union all
    select d.module_name, d.Name, d.created_date
    from (select d.*,
                 row_number() over (order by created_date desc) as seqnum
          from deals d
         ) d
    where seqnum < (select a.value from analysis a where a.module = 'Deal');

    Note: Use UNION ALL. UNION incurs overhead for removing duplicate values. And there appear to be no duplicate values in your data.

    Also, the LEFT JOIN is superfluous. Presumably, you would get no rows if there were no matches in analysis.