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Error in installing Superset on GKE using Helm v2.17

I need to install Superset on GKE. I am following this guide to do the same. It is suggested here to use Helm to install Superset. I have installed Helm v2.17. I have installed and initialized Helm using the following statements:

$ curl | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
$ echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install helm2
$ helm init

In the next step I want to install Superset. Superset's official site says we need to run helm upgrade --install superset ./install/helm/superset to install Superset on a Kubernetes cluster.

On running the command I get the following as output:

 $ helm upgrade --install superset ./install/helm/superset
Release "superset" does not exist. Installing it now.
Error: path "./install/helm/superset" not found

As you can see the path itself doesn't exist. I have inspected the directory and tried manually creating a directory named 'Superset' (with Helm's file - - moved to this directory). Then installed Superset in it, but I get the following error:

 $ ls  kubectl.exe  README-cloudshell.txt
 $ mkdir Superset     
 $ ls  kubectl.exe  README-cloudshell.txt  Superset
 $ mv Superset
 $ cd Superset
 $ ls 
 $ helm upgrade --install superset Superset
Error: no Chart.yaml exists in directory "/home/<username>/Superset"

I am not able to figure out where Helm is installed. It is supposed to exist in ./install/helm so that Superset can be installed in this path.
How can I fix this error?


  • You can install superset using:

    helm install cloudposse-incubator/superset

    Installing the chart:

    helm repo rm cloudposse-incubator 2>/dev/null
    helm repo add cloudposse-incubator
    helm install --name my-release stable/superset

    Reference document:

    About error:

    You are getting error due to not running command from the inside of helm directory.

    GitHub source:

    You can clone whole Github repo locally:

    git clone

    Go inside helm directory.

    Go to stable/superset directory:

    cd stable/superset

    Here you can also run a command like helm install stable/superset

    or outside of the directory, you can run:

    helm install superset ./stable/superset

    Alternatively, you can also download helm chart locally using

    helm fetch stable/superset --untar

    After this go to the directory and run the same command.