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Querying editable user calendars returns non-editable calendars

When querying editable user calendars, i.e. using the canEdit+eq+true OData filter clause, I am receiving the non-editable calendars instead.

Here down the REST query endpoint ({userId} replaced with any existing user GUID):{userId}/calendars?$filter=canEdit+eq+true

and here is the response result:

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('{userId}')/calendars",
    "value": [
            "id": "some-id",
            "name": "Jours fériés - France",
            "canEdit": false,
            "id": "some-other-id",
            "name": "Anniversaires",
            "canEdit": false,

When querying the reverse property, i.e. the non-editable calendars, I receive the editable calendars as response payload:

Here down the REST query:{userId}/calendars?$filter=canEdit+eq+false

And below is the response result:

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users('{userId}')/calendars",
    "value": [
            "id": "some-id",
            "name": "Calendar",
            "canEdit": true,

Note that I omitted irrelevant fields from both response results.

Is there a know issue or am I mis-understating the canEdit property?


  • Well, it's known issue according this.

    Workaround can be to retrieve the editable calendars by using the canEdit eq false.

    But I'm little bit affraid of it.