I am trying to multiply to matrices in R:
I know this multiplication can be done, but I am getting an error. Any idea why?
> d1
[1,] -3
[2,] 0
[3,] 3
> t1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 2 2 2
> t1 * d1
Error in t1 * d1 : non-conformable arrays
A few details more starting from @ThomasIsCoding comment:
d1 %*% t1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -6 -6 -6
[2,] 0 0 0
[3,] 6 6 6
From the official CRAN documentation about matrix multiplication
A * B is the matrix of element by element products and
A %*% B is the matrix product.
If x is a vector, then
x %% A %% x is a quadratic form.
Link to the documenation HERE.