I was creating an app for some tests, so when Android Studio asks you to select a project template, I choose Master/Detail Flow, at first it starts and executes very well, so I continue to add some Gradle configs I use, one of them is the android.buildFeatures.viewBinding true
after synchronized the Gradle, when I try to rebuild the app it fails.
This is the error that I get:
Configurations for item_list.xml must agree on the root element's ID.
Missing ID:
- layout-w900dp
- layout
So I tried to fix it but I didn't find anything on the internet, I clean the project, rebuild it, creating a new one without any modification just that one mentioned before, but none of that worked. I noticed there are two files of that file: picture of the two files
These files are created by default, I think that having two files is causing the issue but I just want to know if anyone had resolved this problem before or what solution could you give?
I appreciate any help.
Thanks, GiusNiyyel.
This error comes because the template generates two layouts with different root views (linear layout and recyclerview) for the list.xml, and list.xml (w900dp)
wrap the recyclerview with a LinearLayout and you are good to go