When I run yarn start
or any other following scripts:
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --config scripts/webpack.dev.js",
"clean": "rimraf build",
"build": "yarn run clean && yarn run compile",
"compile": "webpack --config scripts/webpack.prod.js",
"compile-for-test": "webpack --config scripts/webpack.test.prod.js",
"build-for-test": "yarn run clean && yarn run compile-for-test",
"test": "jest -c scripts/jest.config.js --testPathIgnorePatterns=\"services/contract-tests\"",
"test-ci": "node scripts/test-shell-commands.js unitTestCI",
"test-contract": "node scripts/test-shell-commands.js testLocal",
"test-contract-ci": "node scripts/test-shell-commands.js testCI",
"coverage": "node scripts/test-shell-commands.js unitTestCoverage",
"lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint --max-warnings=0 \"src/**\"",
"start-backend": "bash -l ./scripts/start-backend-container.sh",
"stop-backend": "bash -l ./scripts/stop-backend-container.sh",
"start-stub": "bash -l ./scripts/start-backend-stub-container.sh",
"stop-stub": "bash -l ./scripts/stop-backend-stub-container.sh",
"prettier": "prettier --write **/*{ts,tsx}"
I get the following error:
# yarn start
$ webpack-dev-server --config scripts/webpack.dev.js
error Couldn't find the binary webpack-dev-server --config scripts/webpack.dev.js
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
# yarn test
$ jest -c scripts/jest.config.js --testPathIgnorePatterns="services/contract-tests"
error Couldn't find the binary jest -c scripts/jest.config.js --testPathIgnorePatterns="services/contract-tests"
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
This applies to all scripts (its not spesific to webpack etc). However, when I use it npm run start
, it works. yarn add
or yarn
commands alone also work. Just I can't run any script with yarn
Does anyone encountered this before?
My yarn version is: 1.22.10
I have uninstalled and installed a few times but the problem continues. OS: Windows
This might be an issue with node trying to spawn a command on windows when specifying bash as the shell since Yarn uses node's child_process.spawn
The shell-script specified in .yarnrc
, passes that shell as the shell option to spawn, and when a shell is specified and process.platform
evaluates to win32
, ['/d', '/s', '/c'
will be tacked in the arguments (see below source of spawn()
if (options.shell) {
const command = [file].concat(args).join(' ');
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (typeof options.shell === 'string')
file = options.shell;
file = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe';
args = ['/d', '/s', '/c', `"${command}"`];
options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
Please check your yarn configuration via yarn config get script-shell
in order to verify the settings of the bash-path.
See child_process.spawn for more info..