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How to apply git fetch through netrc.gpg file to crontab

i am currently planning to register and utilize the git repository in redmine.

Because redmine is not managed through remote url, there was a problem that you had to git clone it and leave the fetch periodically.

It could have been handled simply through the git credential store, but I decided there was a security problem, so I encrypted the netrc file with the netrc.gpg file and then made the git-credential-netrc file fetch through git.credential = netrc -v.

These tasks were written after seeing the reference materials below.

  1. is-there-a-way-to-cache-github-credentials-for-pushing-commits

  2. whats-the-best-encrypted-git-credential-helper-for-linux

In particular, I referred to the reference number 1, and I also checked that the shell script works normally when it is turned locally after making the shell script as below.


for entry in `ls -d */`
        echo "$entry"
        cd ${entry}  && {
                git remote update
                cd ..
  • correct result

enter image description here

However, there was a problem when turning this shell script file into crontab to operate it periodically.

  • crontab -e
# m h  dom mon dow   command
 */1 * * * * /home/vanilla/redmine/docker-redmine/ >> ~/cron.log 2>&1
  • cron.log

enter image description here

At first, I thought it would be a user permission issue, but the shell script worked fine when it was operated by a user named vanilla, and I checked the crontab file of the user with crontab -e -u vanilla and confirmed that it was in the file.

What's the problem?

I am attaching a link to the file in the git-credential-netrc I used, although I don't know if it can help.



  • It was a very simple problem. I changed the git global credential option as below and it was solved.

    git config --global credential.helper /usr/local/bin/git-credential-netrc

    In running local shell script, it works as a git config --global credential.helper "netrc -v" command, but in the case of crontab, the location of the actual command must be specified and registered as credential due to environmental variables or other problems.