For the file browser that I'm trying to make I need a navigator with breadcrumb style. I found some example using <forEach>
tag that isn't included into the community edition. The Questions are:
<div id="someContainer" />
so the div as placeholder can be write with some children in MVVM way?Fiddle example but using shadow component <forEach>
Some zul code:
<window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="@id('vm') @init('')">
<listbox vflex="true" hflex="1" model="@load(vm.files)"
id="fileBrowser" selectedItem="@bind(vm.selectedFile)">
<auxheader colspan="3">File List</auxheader>
<auxheader colspan="3">
<!-- breadcrumb, implemented later -->
<div id="placeHolder" />
<listheader label="Name" />
<listheader label="Size" />
<listheader label="Modified" />
<template name="model" var="file">
<!-- This is the model that need to be updated when bredcrumb is clicked -->
<listcell label="@load(" />
<listcell label="@load(file.length())" />
<listcell label="@load(file.lastModified())" />
<separator />
Thanks for the help.
in CE you can use children binding which has a less intuitive syntax, and works less efficient (however not significant in case of breadcrumbs)
Here the updated example.
<hlayout style="border:2px black solid;" children="@load(vm.breadcrumbs)">
<template name="children">
<nodom if="${each ne vm.currentPage}">
<label style="text-decoration: underline blue; cursor:pointer;" value="${each.label}"
onClick="@command('navigateToPage', page=each)" />
<label value=" > "/>
<label if="${each eq vm.currentPage}" style="font-weight: bold;" value="${each.label}"/>
A children binding is added to the parent and will iterate over the items in the collection using the <template name="children">
, <choose>/<when>
can be replaced by the static if
attribute. Even if static, the expression will evaluate again when the children are re-rendered (so it's kind of dynamic).
In the view model you have to notify change the breadCrumbs
property which will then re-render all children. (Since it's only a few elements the impact shouldn't be significant)