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Use google query as an array formula to sum values in a column based on information in another column

I have 2 tabs needing worked with. The first tab, market_pull has a function that pulls information from EVE Online's ESI and sorts the information into several columns:

duration  | is_buy_order  | issued   |  location_id  |   min_volume  |  order_id   |    price  |    range  |    type_id  |  volume_remain  |    volume_total

The second tab, bulk_market_data sorts the information into several columns:

Citadel ID  |  Item Id  |  Item Name  |  Volume Ea  |  Qty Available    |  Lowest Price |  Total Volume | Jita Sell |  ISK Difference   |  % Difference

I need help with the bulk_market_data tab. I need to use the Item Id column from bulk_market_data as a criteria to compare to market_pull the column type_id pull the MIN value from the corresponding row in the price column.

I need to do essentially the same thing except I need to use the Item Id column from bulk_market_data as a criteria to compare to market_pull the column type_id pull the total SUM value from the all the corresponding rows in the volume_remain column.

I'm using array formulas because in the bulk_market_data tab there is about 10,000 rows and when I had a formula in every row for every column the sheet slowed down drastically. Thank you for your time and HERE is a sample spreadsheet with the concept.


  • use in F4:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(VLOOKUP(C4:C, QUERY({market_pull!C4:C, market_pull!J4:K}, 
     "select Col2,sum(Col3) where Col2 is not null and Col1 = FALSE group by Col2"), 2, 0)))

    use in G4:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(C4:C="",,IFNA(VLOOKUP(C4:C, SORT(QUERY({market_pull!C4:J}, 
     "select Col8,Col6 where Col1 = FALSE"), 1, 1, 2, 1), 2, 0), 0)))

    use in H4:

     E4:E1004*F4:F1004=0,,E4:E1004*F4:F1004), 1)))

    enter image description here