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jq: recursion -> nested arrays

How can I parse this json structure with jq? It should loop over leafs (projects and groups) recursively.

My use case is: create project and groups in VCS with CLI. Group can have multiple projects, group can be empty, projects must have parent group created in advance.

Similar analogy would be:

  • group = folder
  • project = file
  • path = absolute path in format /root-groups/nested-groups-level-1/nested-groups-level-2/nested-groups-level-N


         "nested": []

Expected output:



jq -r '.structure[] | .. | "\(.name?) \(.type?)"'

Still not sure, how create a parent path.


  • The following implements a solution to the problem as I understand it:

    # $prefix is an array interpreted as the prefix
    def details($prefix):
      def out:
        select(has("name") and has("type")) | [.name, .type, "/" + ($prefix|join("/"))];
        if (.nested | (. and length>0))
        then .name as $n | .nested[] | details($prefix + [$n]) 
        else empty
    | details([])
    | @csv

    Given your sample input, the output would be:


    This differs in some respects from the sample output, but hopefully you can take it from here.