Hello my problem is about building a good alertdialog
i have a Listtile Listtile
where the leading
is a color and the title
is the name of the colour.
on tap the Listtile
shows a alert dialog with colour options.
this is what i am expecting to archieve.
i found this solution from a page but the code was really hard to scale.
i am expecting to archieve this result by using a map on the colours and printing them as Listview
on the alert dialog. thanks in advance for the help
Isn't this question how to send something to another page ?
Based on comment, you want to pass color with their names. So it could be pass to the second screen like this.
The first page,
var colors = {};
colors['color_x'] = 'COLORX';
colors['color_y'] = 'COLORY';
builder: (context) => SecondScreen(colors: colors),
In the second page,
class SecondScreen extends StatelessWidget {
final Map colors;
SecondScreen({Key key, @required this.colors}) : super(key: key);