Python version: 3.9.1
I trying to write bot that send requests and it work perfectly fine, the only issue that i have is when i trying to use web debugging programs such as Charles 4.6.1 or Fiddler Everywhere. When I open it to see bot traffic and response form server it crash showing me this error:
(Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1124)')))
I used to have this issue and I was able to fix it by simply adding verify=False
to my request, but right now it does not work.
I had the same problem. It's a bug in urllib3. You have to specify your proxy in the request, and change the 'https' value to 'http'.
My example:
proxies = {'https': ''}
request = r.get('', verify=False, proxies=proxies)