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Xamarin.IOS (using Rider): created image sets disappear every time I load XCode or run simulator

I'm very new to Xamarin.IOS. I'm using Rider as my IDE. I have a basic project set up, with a tableview. Each cell contains a button and a label. I can register the button press. What I want to do is change the icon of the button when I click on it. I can get the method to be called in C#, but I keep running into issues actually getting an image to load properly.

In Xcode, I created two image sets by dragging in two .png files into the Assets.xcassets.

enter image description here

I am loading my images like so:

    UIImage checkedImage;
    UIImage uncheckedImage;

    public CampingListCell(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) {
        checkedImage = UIImage.FromBundle ("checked");
        uncheckedImage = UIImage.FromBundle("unchecked");

Then I swap images with

    void AdjustImage() {
        switch (listItem.CurrentCheckedState) {
            case CheckedState.Checked:

                ListItemCheckbox.ImageView.Image = checkedImage;
            case CheckedState.NotChecked:
                ListItemCheckbox.ImageView.Image = uncheckedImage;
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

However, when I run the program int he simulator, there's just a blank button. I have verified that the adjustImage method is being called properly on the click of the button.

I also tried ListItemCheckbox.SetImage(uncheckedImage, UIControlState.Normal);

Also, when I quit and reopen Xcode, the image sets are completely gone!

enter image description here

Am I missing something obvious? I am following the instructions at:

If it matters I'm getting some lines in the console that I don't understand:

enter image description here


I just noticed that when creating the image sets, the rider console spits out these errors:

enter image description here


  • I have created a new issue for you in JetBrains issue tracker:

    UPDATE: Will be fixed in Rider 2021.1