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Glassfish 3.1 says "admingui login.jsp" not found

I start glassfish with ~/.glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1

Everything works perfect. I enter to http://localhost:8080 to its web server.

But when I enter http://localhost:4848 to web admin console Server.log says:


[#|2011-07-06T20:25:32.411+0300|INFO|oracle-glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=83;_ThreadName=Thread-42;|The Admin Console application is loaded.|#]

[#|2011-07-06T20:25:33.388+0300|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet|_ThreadID=22;ThreadName=admin-thread-pool-4848(3);|PWC6117: File "%2Fhome%2Fata%2F.glassfish3%2Fglassfish%2Flib%2Finstall%2Fapplications%2F_admingui%2Flogin.jsp" not found|#]

I confirm that there's no login.jsp file at that dir.

I updated the glassfish using the updatetool. The glassfish instance I installed was by intaller from here Anyone have any ideas? Thanks


  • could you try & reinstall (re-run) the installation file ( i have the same setup & things are working fine.