I recently started learning Python and am trying to implement my first neural network. My goal is to write a function that generates a neural net with a variable amount of layers and nodes. All necessary information for that is stored in layerStructure (e.g.: First layer has four nodes, third layer has three nodes).
import numpy as np
#Vector of input layer
input = np.array([1,2,3,4])
#Amount of nodes in each layer
layerStructure = np.array([len(input),2,3])
#Generating empty weight matrix container
weightMatrix_arr = np.array([])
#Initialsing random weights matrices
for ii in range(len(layerStructure[0:-1])):
randmatrix = np.random.rand(layerStructure[ii+1],layerStructure[ii])
The code above generates the following output:
[[0.6067148 0.66445212 0.54061231 0.19334004]
[0.22385007 0.8391435 0.73625366 0.86343394]]
[[0.61794333 0.9114799 ]
[0.10626486 0.95307027]
[0.50567023 0.57246852]]
My first attempt was to store each random weight matrix in a container array called weightMatrix_arr. However, since the shape of individual matrices varies, I cannot use np.append() to store them all in the matrix container. How can I save these matrices in order to access them during the backpropagation?
You can use a list
instead of an np.array
#Generating empty weight LIST container
weightMatrixes = []
#Initialsing random weights matrices
for ii in range(len(layerStructure[0:-1])):
randmatrix = np.random.rand(layerStructure[ii+1],layerStructure[ii])
Otherwise you can set the weightMatrix_arr dtype
to object
#Generating empty weight LIST container
weightMatrixes = np.array([], dtype=object)
#Initialsing random weights matrices
for ii in range(len(layerStructure[0:-1])):
randmatrix = np.random.rand(layerStructure[ii+1],layerStructure[ii])
weightMatrixes = np.append(weightMatrixes, randmatrix)
Note both ways you can't access the inner layer indexes without accessing the layer matrix:
weightMatrixes[layer, 0, 3] # ERROR
weightMatrixes[layer][0, 3] # OK