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Amplify API GraphQL external webpage

I searched the database but failed to find any hints. I try to use my aws amplify graphql API with an external service, however, as my platform is secured by Cognito (email & PW) I need some elegant way to authenticate an existing Cognito user in a Userpool for the graphql API (Cognitor user = owner in DynamoDB) to make simple queries to retrieve infos to show in a webpage. Is there a simple way to do this without doing much? What options exist?

At the moment I get a Unathorised Message when I connect via URL in a browser.

{ "errors" : [ { "errorType" : "UnauthorizedException", "message" : "Valid authorization header not provided." } ] }

I am really missing the trick here.


  • OK... after comparing the request headers I found the trick... Remove the "Bearer" prefix in Authorization.