If we have an AzureML Pipeline published, how can we trigger it from Azure DevOps without using Python Script Step or Azure CLI Step?
The AzureML Steps supported natively in Azure DevOps include Model_Deployment and Model_Profiling.
Is there any step in Azure DevOps which can be used to directly trigger a published Azure Machine Learning Pipeline while maintaining capabilities like using Service Connections and passing environmental variables, Gated Release (Deployment)?
Edit: This process can then be used to run as an agentless job.
To Invoke the Azure Machine Learning Pipeline we use the Invoke ML Pipeline
step available in Azure DevOps. It is available when running an Agentless Job.
To trigger it the workflow is as follows:
Use the Service Connection Mapped to the AML Workspace. You can find more on this at the official documentation
Alternatively, you can simply use the following jobs:
- job: Job_2
displayName: Agentless job
pool: server
- task: MLPublishedPipelineRestAPITask@0
displayName: Invoke ML pipeline
connectedServiceName: <REDACTED-AML-WS-Level-Service_Connection-ID>
ExperimentName: experimentname
PipelineParameters: ''