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Extract information from multiple columns at different positions using R

I have a dataframe with approx. 26,000 entries. The dataframe has one ID column with IDs separated by ";" and multiple value columns also separated by ";". It looks something like this:

df <- data.frame (ID = c("sample1;sample2;sample3", "sample3", "sample3;sample4;sample5;sample6"),
                  value_1 = c("10;20;30", "30", "30;40;50;60"),
                  value_2 = c("130", "130", "130"))

The problem is that the number and the position of the ID entries and the corresponding values are constant within a row, but they are different across the rows. In addition, there are columns (e.g. value_2) in which entries should remain constant. Is there an easy way to reduce the complexity of the data set? Thanks


  • We can use separate_rows

    df %>% 
      separate_rows(ID, value_1, convert = TRUE)


    # A tibble: 8 x 3
    # ID      value_1 value_2
    #  <chr>     <int> <chr>  
    #1 sample1      10 130    
    #2 sample2      20 130    
    #3 sample3      30 130    
    #4 sample3      30 130    
    #5 sample3      30 130    
    #6 sample4      40 130    
    #7 sample5      50 130    
    #8 sample6      60 130    

    Or using cSplit

    cSplit(df, c("ID", "value_1"), ";", "long")