I have two files:
MyModule.py MyNotebook.ipynb
I am using Jupyter Notebook, latest, and Python, latest. I have two code cells in my Notebook.
Cell #1
import some stuff
Run some code
(Keep everything in the environment takes about five minutes to run this cell).
Cell #2
import MyModule
Execute code from MyModule
I would like to make code changes in MyModule.py and rerun Cell #2 but without restarting the kernel (Cell #1 did a fair amount of work which I don't want to rerun each time). If I simply run the second cell, those changes made to MyModule.py do not propagate through. I did some digging, and I tried using importlib.reload. The actual code for Cell #2 :
from Nash.IOEngineNash import *
import importlib
Unfortunately, this does not work, because repeat running of an import statement in a Jupyter notebook has no effect. How can I push those changes in MyModule.py (or Nash/IOEngineNash.py in actual fact) into my Notebook without restarting the kernel and running from scratch?
I faced a similar issue , while importing a custom script in jupyter notebook
Try importing the module as an alias
then reloading it
import Nash as nash
from importlib import reload