I'm developing an android application where I have to invite facebook friends to an event using Rest API.
Below is the code where I prepare bundle of parameters
Bundle eventInviteParams = new Bundle();
eventInviteParams.putString("method", "events.invite");
eventInviteParams.putString("eid", event.getFacebookEventId());
eventInviteParams.putString("personal_message", "Sample message");
String userIds = "";
for (int i = 0; i < facebookAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
FacebookUser user = facebookAdapter.getItem(i);
if (user.isSelected()) {
userIds += user.getId() + ",";
if (userIds.length() > 0) {
userIds = userIds.substring(0, userIds.length() - 1); // to remove last comma
eventInviteParams.putString("uids", userIds);
response = mFacebook.request(eventInviteParams);
where mFacebook
is Facebook api object.
The response is always
{"error_code":200,"error_msg":"Permissions error","request_args":[{"key":"uids","value":"XXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXX"},{"key":"method","value":"events.invite"},{"key":"format","value":"json"},{"key":"eid","value":"XXXXXXXXXXX"},....]}
Application has following permissions
I want also to mention that I'm not event creator. I have searched on FCB docs and google but cannot find a proper answer.
Thank you very much for your response. I continued with research and I found that the error
"error_code":200,"error_msg":"Permissions error"
was because I was not following the event. Once I RSVP to the event, I got the response false
(I don't know why) and the error gone. I checked in Facebook and the given people were invited.