It sounds quite simple but I have not managed to find a nice solution yet. I'm looking to find the classes in my ontology which have exactly one subclass.
So far I have approached it as follows:
SELECT (COUNT(?anything) AS ?count) ?class
GRAPH <> {
?class rdf:type owl:Class.
?class rdfs:subClassOf ?anything.
?anything rdf:type owl:Class.
} group by ?class
I should then theoretically be able to sort on count, and the results that have value 1 should have only have 1 subclass. However, when I execute this query, the counts do not correspond with what I expect at all e.g. my test case should return 1, which it does, but another class which doesn't have a subclass at all, also returns 1. And a class with 3 subclasses returns a count of 4.
in the image below, it should find that the highlighted classes have a count of 1.
The SPARQL query you're looking for would be something like
?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?class
GROUP BY ?class
As UninformedUser mentioned in a comment, though, if there is OWL inference available, there can be lots of answers that you might not be expecting, such as
owl:Nothing rdfs:subClassOf ex:YourClass
ex:YourClass rdfs:subClassOf ex:YourClass
If those keep the query from producing the kind of results you're looking for, you should add a filter like
?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?class
FILTER ( ?sub != ?class && ?sub != owl:Nothing )
GROUP BY ?class