I would like to generate a series of strings with certain number of symbols according to a table.
Given the following table:
Length Start End
40 15 20
50 18 23
45 12 19
40 13 18
. . .
. . .
. . .
I would like to generate a list of strings that have the length of column1 with "." symbol, and that from Start (column2) to End (column3) position in the string, the "." symbol is changed to be "x" symbol.
So, the desired output would be a vector of strings like:
[1] "..............XXXXXX...................."
[2] ".................XXXXXX..........................."
[3] "...........XXXXXXXX.........................."
[4] "............XXXXXX......................"
Where for instance, for the first element, there are 14 ".", followed by 5 "X", followed by 20 "." again, as specified in the first row of the table.
I would like to iterate over the three columns of each row in the table, to generate a vector of strings with as many elements (strings) as rows in the table, following the speficications for n "." and m "x" symbols in each of them.
I have been testing some different approaches with rep to iterate over the table but could not reach to a working code...
Any help?
myfunc <- function(len, st, ed) paste(replace(rep(".", len), st:ed, "X"), collapse = "")
mapply(myfunc, dat$Length, dat$Start, dat$End)
# [1] "..............XXXXXX...................." ".................XXXXXX..........................."
# [3] "...........XXXXXXXX.........................." "............XXXXXX......................"
rep(".", len)
starts the process, creating a vector of "."
, the appropriate length
replace(..., st:ed, "X")
takes the start:end
vectors and replaces the "."
with "X"
paste(., collapse = "")
collapses the vector into a single string
While sapply
and lapply
iterate over a single vector or list, mapply
(and Map
) "zips" multiple same-length vectors/lists together, one by one. Our one call to mapply
above is effectively the same as
c(myfunc(dat$Length[1], dat$Start[1], dat$End[1]),
myfunc(dat$Length[2], dat$Start[2], dat$End[2]),
myfunc(dat$Length[3], dat$Start[3], dat$End[3]), ...)