I have an issue similar to this post: pip installed google.colab and now unable to run code on Jupyter notebook
Same as him, I installed google.colab using pip install google.colab in the terminal of VS Code, after doing this the jupyter notebook that I was working on stopped working. When I opened a new jupyter notebook, I could not run any code. When I tried to run any code it stayed stuck on connecting to the kernel. Before installing google.colab my notebooks were working fine. I tried restarting my kernel but that did not work. I also used pip uninstall google.colab but that gives the following: WARNING: Skipping google.colab as it is not installed. Then I tried uninstalling it by pip uninstall google-colab, which uninstalled it succesfully, but did not fix the issue. Everything here happened in VS Code.
As i am using pyenv to control my py version, I am trying to update my python version from 3.7.3 to 3.9.0, in the hope that i can connect to this new version(or kernel). But it returns an error:
BUILD FAILED (OS X 10.14.6 using python-build 20180424)
Therefore, right now, i have 2 issues here,
Please help !
This issue can happen post OS upgrade and can make services that were running well before, useless. did you perform an upgrade of the OS ?