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How to deal with Tailwind & PurgeCSS and A LOT of different folders?

I've been using Tailwind with the "Purge" option to make the final css file a lot smaller and successfully. However, I've been wondering about the efficience of my methods. I'm working on projects that have got a lot of subfolders, which I all specify like:

 purge: {
        layers: ['components', 'utilities', 'base'],
        content: [


I've been looking for a solution to this inefficient method, but all I can find is examples of tiny projects that have got only a few html or vue files in the same folder. So my question: is there a way to do this more efficiently or am I bound to do it like I already did?


  • You don't have to target every single sub-folder, the glob pattern will match those for you. Using ** will match zero or more folders.

    purge: {
        layers: ['components', 'utilities', 'base'],
        content: [