Introduction and Issue
I've made a gridsizer to resize my frame itself.
But because of the gridsizer if I use WX_EXPAND
flag (to let them have a new height and width when I use self.Layout()
to refresh when the app is resized) they don't resize the % of the screen I gave them (I put blank widget to put all my widget where I want).
Example here
What I have tried
I've tried to make a wx.GridBagSizer
but I can't understand why it always say that GenericTreeCtrl don't exist (its a must I need this tree) so I'm asking a way to do this with wx.GridSizer
I want to work with something like that and be able to resize my widget: what I want to be resizable
Can you please tell me whats the correct and optimal way to dynamically resize a widget using a wx.GridSizer
class mainPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, pageNum, FrameSize):
self.parent = parent
self.pageNum = pageNum
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent)
Sizer = wx.GridSizer(6,6,0,0)
self.PathList = []
self.PathSelected = []
self.pastePath = ""
widthA,heightA = FrameSize[0],FrameSize[1]
path = "/media/" + os.getlogin()
self.folder_tree_project = wx.GenericDirCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY,path, (0,0), wx.Size(widthA*0.3,heightA*0.75),wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE|wx.DIRCTRL_MULTIPLE)
self.t1 = self.folder_tree_project.GetTreeCtrl()
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelect,id=self.t1.GetId())
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
def OnResize(self,event):
FrameSize = self.GetSize()
I will not be able to test it Leonardo but thanks for the reply ! (i did not answered because of the Global Game Jam that i was participating) I've found another way thanks to someone on another forum, using the app 'WxGlade' I was able to understand how GridBagSizer work. You can't do things like GenericDirCtrl in WxGlade but I've read the code given by it by putting button and blank text like I want and putting gridbagsizer, with the previsualization and the generated code I was able to understand how GridBagSizer work.