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type conversion warnings in porting 32 bit app to 64 bit app using sizeof operator

I am porting an application from 32 bit to 64 bit. The application includes gSoap generated ANSI C source code. The prototypes of several generated soap functions include int data types in the argument list, such as:

int PASCAL FAR setsockopt (
                       __in SOCKET s,
                       __in int level,
                       __in int optname,
                       __in_bcount_opt(optlen) const char FAR * optval,
                       __in int optlen);

But, when called in stdsoap2.c, the 5th argument in this example is passed the sizeof macro:

if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&linger, sizeof(struct linger)))
{ ...

The sizeof macro returns a value of the size_t type which is just an unsigned int. When compiling in the 32 bit environment, this presented no problem, however, when compiling in the 64 bit environment, the warning: "Conversion from unsigned __int64 to int might lose data".

I understand the data loss problem. My question is where and how should it be placed in the code to address the problem short of (int) type casting for each sizeof macro being passed as an int within stdsoap2.c (there are 32 warnings in stdsoap.c alone). I would like to avoid editing an automatically generated source file if possible.

For those familiar with gsoap methods, I have included the following:

# include "soapdefs.h"      /* include user-defined stuff */

and am using soapdefs.h in my project. This file has project wide scope, perhaps this file would be a good place for addressing the problem, then the question would just be how?


  • size_t isn't "just an unsigned int"; as the warning shows, on a 64-bit platform it's commonly larger than that.

    Where you should do the check depends on the application, but if you're passing the value of a sizeof expression, you could replace that with an appropriately defined constant:

    enum {
        SIZEOF_LINGER = sizeof(struct linger);

    The compiler will issue a warning if the constant is too large to be converted, so if you compile with (the equivalent of GCC's) -Wall -Werror, you're safe.