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Why am i getting constant step count in Tizen Native Wearable?

I'm running step count listener in Tizen Wearable using Native. I'm able to access the sensor data however it seems to print the same data forever? Am I doing something wrong here? Using API 3 and Samsung Galaxy Watch 3.

#include "stepcount.h"
#include "sensor.h"

example_sensor_callback(sensor_h sensor, sensor_event_s *event, void *user_data)
       If a callback is used to listen for different sensor types,
       it can check the sensor type
    sensor_type_e type;
    sensor_get_type(sensor, &type);
    int i = 0;

    if (type == SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER) {
        unsigned long long timestamp = event->timestamp;
        int accuracy = event->accuracy;
        float x = event->values[0];
        float y = event->values[1];
        float z = event->values[2];
        dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "ACCEL: %f %f %f", x,y,z);
    } else if (type == SENSOR_HRM) {
        unsigned long long timestamp = event->timestamp;
        int v = (int)event->values[0];
        dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Heart Rate: %.0f bpm", event->values[0]);
    else if (type == SENSOR_HUMAN_PEDOMETER ){
            unsigned long long timestamp = event->timestamp;
            int accuracy = event->accuracy;
            int s = (int)event->values[0];
            int b = (int)event->values[1];
            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Step Count: %d", event->values[0]);
            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Walking Step Count: %d", event->values[1]);


Base GUI
    bool supported = false;

    sensor_is_supported(SENSOR_HUMAN_PEDOMETER, &supported);
    if (!supported) {
        /* Accelerometer is not supported on the current device */

    sensor_h sensor;
    sensor_get_default_sensor(SENSOR_HUMAN_PEDOMETER, &sensor);

    sensor_listener_h listener;
    sensor_create_listener(sensor, &listener);


    /* Register callback */
    sensor_listener_set_event_cb(listener, 1000, example_sensor_callback, NULL);

    sensor_listener_set_attribute_int(listener, SENSOR_ATTRIBUTE_PAUSE_POLICY, SENSOR_PAUSE_NONE);

Here's my LOG

01-29 13:25:00.035 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Step Count: 4
01-29 13:25:00.091 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Walking Step Count: 1
01-29 13:30:16.763 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Step Count: 4
01-29 13:30:16.763 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Walking Step Count: 1
01-29 13:30:17.143 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Step Count: 4
01-29 13:30:17.143 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Walking Step Count: 1
01-29 13:30:18.439 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Step Count: 4
01-29 13:30:18.443 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Walking Step Count: 1
01-29 13:30:18.655 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Step Count: 4
01-29 13:30:18.655 : Info / stepcount ( 8215 : 8215 ) : Walking Step Count: 1

I want to read my acutal step count properly.


  • Please correct it as below.

            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Step Count: %d", s);
            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Walking Step Count: %d", b);


            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Step Count: %f", event->values[0]);
            dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Walking Step Count: %f", event->values[1]);